A suspense thriller set in the New Orleans academic world and inspired by the David Duke era in Louisiana politics; Fuhrer's Heart combines suspicious deaths, action, and conspiracies with a mix of racial tension and political intrigue.
One of the main characters is a young and highly ambitious African American named Michael Woods. His dreams for a better life lure him from the working-class lifestyle of his family, former cotton pickers in the rural South. He graduates from college and upon receiving a PhD, is fiercely recruited by New Orleans’ prestigious Institute for Public Policy. Unbeknown to Michael, the liberal leaning Institute has recently been infiltrated by white supremacists portraying themselves as members of the liberal establishment.
The New Orleans Gambit Weekly calls the novel “a quick and engaging read that presents an insight into how racism has endured through the ages.” According to the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, “Fuhrer’s Heart is a courageous, even-handed attempt to remind us that evil still lurks in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected ways.” Public Voices says “it expands the definition of ‘academic infighting’ to an entirely new level.” Novelist Angelia Menchan says Fuhrer’s Heart “has all the ingredients for a thrilling, suspenseful story.” According to the Greenwood Commonwealth, “Ward spins a good tight yarn, one that many readers will get through in one setting.”
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James D. Ward is an African-American writer. He is a graduate of the University of Mississippi (BA) and the University of Cincinnati (MPA, PhD). In addition to writing fiction, Dr. Ward is a professor of political science and is the author of numerous academic journal articles and books on issues of social justice, public policy, and public administration. His most recent academic books include Institutional Racism, Organizations and Public Policy (Peter Lang Publishing, 2014), Leadership and Change in Public Sector Organizations: Beyond Reform (Routledge, 2017), and Policing and Race in America: Economic, Political and Social Dynamics (Lexington Books, 2018). Prior to entering academia, he worked as a newspaper and television reporter.
James D. Ward
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